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Can Trazodone Kill a Dog? What Are the Benefits and Risks?

Trazodone is a common antidepressant used by both humans and dogs. Is it safe for dogs, and can trazodone kill a dog?

At times, dogs may experience anxiety, stress, and depression. They can also experience various phobias, including being afraid of thunderstorms and traveling phobias. Such conditions can negatively impact a dog’s well-being.

Fortunately, these conditions are treatable using trazodone. However, if used incorrectly, this drug can have severe side effects on your dog. 

Can trazodone kill a dog? We look at whether trazodone can kill a dog (not likely), as well as its benefits and risks.

What Is Trazodone?

Trazodone is a drug that belongs to a category known as antidepressants. This drug regulates the serotonin levels in a dog’s brain by inhibiting and interacting with some serotonin receptors. As a result, the dog will show fewer signs of anxiety and depression.

This drug normally comes in a tablet form marked at the center, making it easy for you to split it in half. These tablets are either 50, 100, or 150 mg in size and can be immediate or extended-release. In some instances, the drug may come in capsule or liquid form, but these are rare.

What Is Trazodone Used To Treat?

Humans often use trazodone to treat depression and insomnia issues. The drug can also improve a person’s appetite. However, most veterinarians nowadays prescribe this drug to dogs to treat behavioral disorders. It can treat fear and anxiety, especially during stressful situations like thunderstorms or traveling.

Additionally, vets can use trazodone and anesthesia to calm a dog during surgical procedures. The drug can also help when trying to confine a dog, especially if you want them to recover quickly and avoid further injuries after a surgical procedure.

What Are the Side Effects of Trazodone for Dogs?

Generally, trazodone is safe for dogs, and they rarely experience any major side effects. However, since trazodone is a sedative, your dog may experience a side effect known as lethargy or drowsiness, but the effects wear off quickly.

Other side effects that a dog may experience include:

  • Panting
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased aggression
  • Vomiting
  • Changes in appetite
  • Increased anxiety
  • Priapism, especially in males
  • Incoordination
  • Seizures

These effects normally go away on their own after a few days. However, if they persist or become severe, seek professional help.

Trazodone and Serotonin Syndrome

In some instances, your dog may show a side effect known as serotonin syndrome. However, this side effect is rare.

To know if your dog is experiencing serotonin syndrome, watch out for signs like diarrhea, vomiting, breathing difficulties, dilated pupils, and seizures.

If your dog exhibits any signs of serotonin syndrome, stop the medication immediately and seek professional help to avoid further complications.

Are There Any Dogs Who Shouldn’t Take Trazodone?

Although trazodone is a good drug for dogs, not all dogs can use it. This fact is especially true if your dog has hypersensitivity issues or has used Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors within the past two weeks.

Dogs suffering from heart, liver, or kidney diseases also shouldn’t use this drug since it can cause further complications. Additionally, you should avoid using trazodone on dogs with angle-closure glaucoma.

dog resting after taking trazodone

What Dosage of Trazodone Should Be Given to Dogs?

Dog trazodone dosage varies from 1 to 3 mg per lb. daily. However, the maximum dosage per lb. can be 6.4mg a day. If your dog is under this medication, you should administer the doses in intervals of eight hours.

Trazodone dog dosage varies due to many factors, including the following.


One of the major factors that veterinarians consider when deciding the dosage is your dog’s weight. Generally, a heavier dog will receive a higher dosage than a lighter one.

Other Medications

Another factor affecting the dosage is if your dog is under any medication. For instance, the vet will lower the trazodone dosage if your dog is taking medicine for fungal illnesses.

Always inform the vet about your pet’s current health condition and the type of medication the dog takes, if any. This way, they will know the right amount of dosage to administer and prevent them from experiencing complications.

Behavioral Issues

Your pet’s behavior also determines your dog’s trazodone dosage. Veterinarians tend to describe a higher dosage for dogs with chronic behavioral disorders. Depending on the condition, the vet may recommend that your dog take the medication daily.

scared dog hiding under bed

When a vet puts a dog under trazodone medication, they tend to start with a lower dosage and increase it if necessary. If you feel your pet’s trazodone dosage needs to be increased, contact your vet for further directions.

What Should You Do if Your Pet Skips a Trazodone Dosage?

Forgetting to give your pet a trazodone dosage is quite normal, and it may not cause a significant issue. Nevertheless, it’s advisable to take precautionary measures.

One of the first things you can do is administer the drug as soon as you remember. If you remember when it is almost time for the next dose, forget about the missed dose and take the following one as scheduled.

After that, continue with the normal schedule. Never make the mistake of giving your pet a double dose since you risk overdosing.

How To Administer Trazodone to Dogs Correctly

Trazodone is normally administered orally as a tablet. You can administer the drug with food or on an empty stomach.

However, some dogs may vomit when you give them the drug on an empty stomach. If your dog displays these symptoms after taking medication, consider administering the next dosage with a dog treat or food.

How Long Does It Take for Trazodone to Work on Dogs?

The answer to this question is that it depends on the reason why you are administering the medication.

If you intend to help your dog deal with anxiety and stress for a short while, you will likely see the drug’s effects after one or two hours. On the other hand, if you aim to treat a long-term condition, the drug may take one week or more before you begin observing significant changes in your dog.

How Long Does It Take Trazodone To Wear Off on Dogs?

Trazodone is a short-acting drug. Therefore, its effects should wear off after 24 hours. Nevertheless, dogs with liver or kidney problems can experience the effects for a longer time.

How Will My Dog Act After Taking Trazodone?

When dogs take trazodone, most will appear calm and relaxed. However, that is not the case with all dogs since some may become disorientated and stagger when walking.

If you notice that your pet usually becomes tipsy after taking trazodone, stop them from engaging in activities that call for balance and concentration, including running, swimming, fetching, and climbing. Otherwise, your pet may fall or get involved in an accident and injure themselves.

What Happens if I Give My Dog a Trazodone Overdose?

You should strictly follow your vet’s prescription to avoid trazodone overdose. Some of the common signs that indicate a trazodone overdose include:

  • Decreased heart rate
  • Seizures
  • Tremors
  • Loss of balance
  • Disorientation
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Coma

Dogs usually show signs of trazodone overdose 30-60 minutes after taking the drugs, which can last for a maximum of 12 hours. In extreme cases, the signs may last for 24 hours.

How Do You Counteract Trazodone for Dogs?

Once you suspect an overdose, try to induce your dog to vomit to eliminate the excessive medicine. Also, take your pet to the vet right away for further medication.

The vet will first evaluate the dog to determine the overdose level. This step is crucial since it will help them know the method they will use to counteract the overdose.

Most times, the veterinarian will recommend and administer IV fluids, especially if the overdose has not affected them too much.

If your pet starts showing serious signs such as seizures and tremors, the veterinarian will give them Diazepam together with IV fluids.

depressed dog who is a candidate for trazodone

Can Trazodone Kill a Dog?

Although trazodone isn’t generally dangerous, it can cause adverse effects in dogs, especially when used in high amounts.

It’s also important to remember that you keep your medicine away from your dog’s reach to avoid accidental swallowing.

Also, if yours is a family dog, ensure that you have a well-designed schedule for administering the drug. Preferably, only one family member should be giving the dog the medicine to avoid mix-ups.

An overdose can lead to death if you don’t take action quickly.

How Much Trazodone Can Kill a Dog?

The amount of trazodone that can affect your dog depends on the weight. For a dog weighing around 88 lbs., a total dose of 300 mg a day is advisable, and you can choose to administer it twice or thrice a day. If you give 300 mg of trazodone to a dog that weighs below 88 lbs., an overdose will occur.

Can trazodone kill a dog? Yes, trazodone can kill a dog in case of severe overdose. The bottom line is that you should follow your vet’s prescription precisely and inform them if you observe any complications.

What Is the Cost of Trazodone?

Generally, you may spend about one to two dollars per trazodone dose with an average 50mg tablet price of $0.14-$0.18. 

The amount you spend usually depends on the dosage that your dog requires. Also, your place of residence matters since different retailers sell this drug at different prices.

Final Thoughts

If your vet prescribes trazodone for your dog, it can be beneficial with relatively small health risks. When administered properly, the medication is rarely fatal. Be sure to monitor your dog closely when they are on any medication, and alert your vet if symptoms present.

Superb Dog Editor

Superb Dog Editor